I have been a huge fan of S’mores ever since I can remember. My family went camping from the time I was 8 or 9 years old, and roasting those marshmallows to huge, puffy, golden brown orbs of gooeyness was my favorite part of the experience. We always squished TWO marshmallows in between our graham […]
Pecan Sandies
Pecan Sandies always remind me of my dad. I remember having a package of the Keebler variety in the cabinet, and as a young girl I couldn’t figure out why anyone would choose a pecan cookie over a chocolate chip cookie. Now I know why. These shortbread-esque cookies are the purest form of dessert. Butter. […]
The One with Loans
After reading another blog post about the couple digging their way out of consumer (credit card) debt, I realized I never shared the amazingly awesome incredible news. Drum roll please…… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…………. We are officially and completely FREE OF DEBT!! Yahooooooo!! Midway through the summer, we started having to make monthly payments on Kevin’s college loans. […]
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Find Adorkable Recipes on Facebook. I am forever willing to try new chocolate chip cookie recipes. It’s never bad to have a fresh cookie to indulge my sweet tooth, and I just might come across something wonderful! This adaptation (egg plus egg yolk) of my standard cookie recipe results in a perfectly chewy cookie, with […]
The One with the Mentors
I am grateful for my past. Past experiences. Past relationships. Past learning. All of those factors have had a huge part in making me who I am today, and not only that but many of them have proven themselves continually effective in my life. It amazes me how many lessons have affected me–the way I […]
The One with Thoughts of Spring {blog partay}
It’s been quite some time since I joined in on a blog party, so when I saw Lynnette’s Thoughts of Spring {Blog Hop} I couldn’t resist. Maybe it was the title–I have spring on the brain. Every other day it’s winter then spring, winter then spring. And then the weatherman goes and tells us it […]
Sweet Heat Chili (Slow Cooker)
When I came across this recipe on Mel’s Kitchen Cafe, I immediately wanted to try it. Normally, when it comes to chili, I totally wing it and end up with a new recipe each time. I LOVE it. But there was something special, something unique about this recipe, so I did my best to follow […]
The One with the Dentist. Dun, Dun, Dun!!!
I went to the dentist yesterday. Not a big deal, right? Nothing out of the ordinary? Well, it was totally on a whim when my mom mentioned getting into the dentist while I’m home for the weekend. She found me an appointment spot for 3:30pm Friday, and I was looking forward to a good ol’ […]
Honey Yeast Rolls
I am so sorry I didn’t make these sooner! No matter how many different rolls Annie makes, she always comes back to these as her favorites–and now I know why! These rolls are perfection. They are simple to make and the results are out of this world. The perfectly crisp exterior gives way to a […]
On Grace Speech
Colossians 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you many know how to answer everyone. On Wednesday, our young adult small group spent a lot of time working through the meaning of this verse and discussing its implications for our lives. The conclusions we drew were insightful and […]