Ministry Uncategorized

The One with our Fall Retreat @SBC

We had a phenomenal weekend retreat at Somerset with our teens. I really wasn’t sure how things would come together seeing that it was the first retreat we’d ever planned for our youth group, but it far exceeded my expectations. It seemed like a lot of work for a 24 hour trip. There was the food to organize, […]

Ministry Uncategorized

The One with Two Years at Home

I literally can not believe it’s been TWO years since we moved in our home–the parsonage. As I sit and think of what to write next, I am literally at a loss, in a fog of memories. {thinking. thinking. thinking.} It finally feels like “home,” though. For the first many months, it felt uncertain–mostly because […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

Galatians 3

I am totally loving Galatians 3. This passage connects to Genesis 15, Levitcus 19 and Romans 4. In college I spent hours and hours dissecting these pericopes in completing my exegetical assignments. I absolutely loved it! I could spend hours more diving into this chapter, but I’ll restrain myself.  Yes, this chapter in Galatians is a bit […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with Craigslist

If you haven’t visited, you need to. This classified ads website is, honestly, one of my guilty pleasures–pursuing the goods for sale. It’s like window shopping! I keep a word document of things I want or need. (Mostly want. I have everything I need, after all.) Whenever I’m bored or if I know someone’s looking […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

Galatians 2

This chapter seemed totally new to me. I know I’ve read it a hundred times, and I’ve quoted many of it’s verses, but the context of the words seemed to have escaped me. Here’s what I observed in my morning reading of Galatians 2— Paul had a FEAR! This stuck out to me a new […]

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

Galatians 1

Starting today I am joining Jenilee and Christina in their month long study of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians–Pauls Epistles. These are four of my most favorite books in the Bible. I have spent much time in them in the past–but it’s been a while. I look forward to revisiting their truth and application to […]

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