This weekend we missed our teens. Though we had a really great time with family in my hometown, we ended up not being able to make it back for our church’s Light the Night (“trunk or treat”). We entrusted our teens with our trunk. They were in charge of decorating and manning the trunk as […]
Bar Cookies: Peanut Butter Pretzel Chocolate Chip
Remember these Peanut Butter Pretzel Chocolate Chip cookies? Well, they are a hot commodity in these parts. People just can’t get enough of their goodness. I’m so excited everyone loves them! One my teens requested a cookie cake (bar cookies) of this cookie batter for her birthday. I excitedly obliged. I’m not sure I’ve ever […]
Sourdough Pancakes
I have to tell you, Kevin was not a fan of these. He just didn’t think the flavor went well with syrup. They just didn’t seem like “pancakes” to him. On the other hand, I really loved these. I love sourdough (Kevin does too, but let’s pretend he’s not a factor here), and these taste […]
Perfect Pancakes
Kevin wanted “normal” pancakes. No bananas, no pumpkin, no nuts, no wheat flour, no chocolate chips. Just “regular” pancakes. That’s quite a difficult request for someone like me, but I wanted to oblige. I’m so glad I did! The Pioneer Woman came through for us with this perfect pancake recipe! They are thick and fluffy […]
The One with the Birthday Love
Dear Husband, Happy Birthday! I am so blessed to be at your side to celebrate with you. I remember back to your 18th birthday–when we had met just months earlier. You have changed so much since then, and yet, you are still everything I love about Kevin Michael. You have become a trustworthy, man of God, that […]
Peanut Butter Cup Rice Krispies Treats
Right before youth group on Sunday I realized we should be celebrating my husband’s birthday, as it was coming up that week. Eeek! I asked him what he was craving and he said “peanut butter.” Awesome. I’m totally a fan (of my husband and of peanut butter). I quickly searched my favorite recipe blogs and […]
The One with Too Many Gmail Accounts
Having multiple email accounts works for me. It’s a necessary thing, but it can be cumbersome to sign in and out of each different email account if you want to send an email from a specific address. (Assuming you have all of your emails forwarded to one inbox like I do.) To solve this dilemma, […]
The One with My Ministry Gifts
I have no idea where God will take me in the future. Will I be at home, loving on my family, gardening, baking, housekeeping, homeschooling? Will I write a book? Will we live here forever? Or move across the country? How will I be using my musical gifts? So many questions, yet I don’t really […]
The One with the Inner Artist
Another blog makeover. Thoughts? Suggestions? I’m really falling in love with it, though if I had more editing and coding skills it could be way more awesomer. Honestly, that is one of my little aspirations–to grow in my photo and logo editing skills and maybe possibly one day in the future earn some extra cashola […]
Coffee Ice Cream
If you like coffee or enjoy the occasional coffee flavoring in a frappuccino then you will LOVE this ice cream. This is the first time I have (successfully) made a custard-based ice cream and man! it is totally worth the extra time and effort. The addition of the egg yolks to the heavy cream creates […]