Peanut Butter S’mores

Chocolate Dessert Graham Cracker Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter S’mores

You may have noticed one of those S’mores was not like the other. If you didn’t, here’s an upclose encounter with the best addition the s’more has ever seen. PEANUT BUTTER. 
Graham crackers with peanut butter is one of my favorite snacks. 
Chocolate and peanut butter is my all-time favorite combination
Thus, spreading peanut butter on my graham cracker, topping with chocolate and a roasted marshmallow results in true love
On our camping trip, Katie (one of our teens) and I decided to come up with new s’more taste treats. We slathered on that peanut butter and fell in love. We did, however, agree that the peanut butter should only be spread on one of the two s’more graham cracker halves. Surprisingly, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. :)
So make your family a batch of indoor s’mores and don’t forget some peanut butter!

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