The Eccles family is thrilled to report that not much has changed in our lives. After years of transition, we are thankful to be putting down roots and allowing our girls to have the gift of place. We continue to be intentional about living hyper-locally. For us this means walking everywhere we can so we can know the people, the places, and the ground on which we live.

We LOVE having big kids! What a parenting game-changer! Kirsten and Junia both get themselves totally ready for school each morning, fold their own laundry, and help with dishes. They are avid readers and play imaginatively and creatively. They excelled in their swimming classes this summer, and they love roller skating, ice skating, and playing rec league soccer.
Junia is 6-½ and continues to bring the world so much joy. As a 1st grader, she is thriving in every way. Junia is a strong reader, loves learning new math skills, and has some of the strongest inquiry skills of anyone we know. Junia is our little liturgist, leading us in prayers each day. She can be found quietly reading, loudly romping with her big sissy, playing pretend with friends, or helping mom in the kitchen.

Kirsten is 9 years old as of December 26. We cannot even believe how grown up she is. Kirsten has always been a risk-taker, climbing to the top of the playground equipment at 2, scaling trees at 4, and now conquering the Millenium Force roller coaster at 8! That’s right, our 3rd grader rode the 300 foot tall, 93 mph Cedar Point coaster TWICE. Kirsten can be found playing dragons with her best friends, creating beautiful sketches of still life or dragons or cute kitties, and trying to beat dad at MarioKart8.

As for Kevin & Mel, we celebrated our 16th year of marriage and love being partners in so many ways – cleaning and cooking, gardening and chicken farming, raising our daughters and living hospitable lives. Thanks to friends, we’ve been trading monthly babysitting for quality date nights, and just last week got treated to a double date to see Les Miserables on Broadway in Detroit. Kevin is thriving in his role as Database Administrator for the Free Methodist denomination. He is constantly learning more about computer coding, and this fall audited a class at Washtenaw Community College. Mel remains passionate about teaching elementary school and is now in her third school year, and loves having teacher friends over to hang out.

May each of you be safe and loved in the year ahead, and may the peace of Jesus reign in our hearts and in our communities. Amen.