Simple Thanks

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Simple Thanks

[don’t miss out on the digital scrapbook software giveaway!]
friday favorite things | finding joy
On this cool, overcast Friday, I am finding reason for thanks
fun conversations with a mom who loves me from my head down to my toes
finding a few leftover freshly baked cookies from a recent Etsy order
friends–both near and far–who have me on their hearts and don’t hesitate to pray. and support. and actually pursue opportunities with me in mind. 
Friendly’s cookies & cream ice cream and peanut butter sauce (drool) and the friends who love us enough to share.
husband who consults me in his decisions, values my opinions, wants to know the deepest me. 
God who reveals to me–one at a time, little by little–all of the ways He cares. 
Giving up euchariesteo today. 
this post is linked up with Finding Joy’s Friday Favorites

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