Your grace abounds in deepest waters.
Child, this is the beautiful, broken truth of my life right now – wherever I am, God goes ahead. His grace is in the midst of heartbreak and fear, wondering if we’ll ever have children. This is a place that is best described as “deepest waters.” I’m not sure how we got here, but it feels like we’re lost and the seas are churning around us, threatening destruction. But there is Jesus, calling to us. He’s never failed and he won’t start now. (another lyric.)
We’re on a new journey now, your Dad and I. God led us into unknown (to us) territory in 2011, and we followed as best we could. Kevin completed a Master’s degree in Seminary and served as discipleship pastor at a church in New York. We made a life for ourselves there.
And three years later, God called us out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail (another lyric). Our lives are different than we could have predicted even months ago. But we feel the peace of the Spirit leading us. We’ve settled into this wonderful home (the parsonage, which we lived in once before). Friendships are already rekindling – God reminding me He won’t leave me alone. We’ve prayed over people, shared meals with people, received bounty from these people. And it’s not even Sunday yet.
Child, you would be so proud of your Daddy. I know I am. He’s showing such tender compassion for the people of our congregation, and he’s using his gifts in a way that certainly makes God smile. I look forward to his first sermon this Sunday as Senior Pastor.
And all the while, as we walk out onto the open waters, we will pray and trust and listen to the voice of God.
*Hillsong United “Oceans (When Feet May Fail)” (<–you should listen to it)