Strawberry Parfaits

Breakfast Granola Snack Strawberries

Strawberry Parfaits

I’m the type of person who would love to eat ice cream at the end of every dinner. But that little voice in the back of my mind keeps me checked in reality. I can’t always have ice cream. So on the nights when I decide to be healthy, I make Kevin and I a luxurious yogurt parfait. They look and taste delicious! Plus, these would make an amazing breakfast!
Strawberry Parfaits
Serves 2
6-8 large ripe strawberries
1/2 cup homemade granola
1/2-3/4 cup non-fat vanilla yogurt
Rinse strawberries and cut into bite-sized pieces.
In a lovely sundae dish or in a small glass, place 2 spoonfuls of yogurt. Sprinkle with granola and then with strawberry pieces. Spoon another layer of yogurt followed by granola, followed by strawberries. Repeat until your dish is full of goodness. 
Use this process to fill a second dish. Enjoy! 
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