The One with {Memorable} 2011

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The One with {Memorable} 2011

I know we’re well past the craze of New Year’s posts and lists about best blah-blah-blahs of two thousand eleven, but I’m still mediating on these unforgettable moments of the former 12 months. I’m giving myself permission. I hope you don’t mind. ;) 
And now, in no particular order (no seriously, these are not in any sort of order. I know you can’t believe it, but it’s true)
Top Ten Memorable {serious, sad, and silly}Experiences of 2011

1} Taking 15 teenagers camping for 8 days to our home-away-from-home Family Camp
2) Celebrating the births of so many of my good friends’ babies and getting to be together with my college girls at one of the showers.
3} Finally jumping on the Harry Potter bandwagon and loving every minute of it. (darn it, Kevin was right again. :D)
4} Moving from our sprawling Michigan parsonage to our quaint, slightly-dilapidated, but perfectly-sized-for-us house in this quintessential small town in New York.
5}Watching my husband excel in his first semester of his MDiv program in seminary. (Who would have thought we’d be here?)
6}Building a deep, true friendship with the most amazing woman. Endlessly thankful for Sheryl.
7} Finally passing my 6-mile-barrier in my running career (thanks to Sheryl, actually). I ran 7 miles with her and then 8 on my own the following week. Oh, and running my first official race.
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8}Expanding my photography skills with official photo gigs–at Elise’s wedding, with Josh & Amanda’s engagement shoot, as well as a family session in December.
9}Opening a successful (ever growing) piano studio in our new town and actually having a studio.
10} Adding more than 160 recipes to my now-three-year-old recipe blog: Adorkable Recipes. And getting featured on Tasty Kitchen
Did you have any special moments in 2011? I’m sure you did. I’d love to hear about them!
linking up with Oh! Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday.

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