The One with Multiple Conversations

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with Multiple Conversations

This week was crazy.
Filled with planning, planning, and more planning for this weekend–
which happens to be chock full of youth events.
Though it was a bummer that Kevin didn’t get a sub job this first week of school,
it was a relief to have him at home working hard alongside me to see these events through to the best of our ability.
Wednesday night was Bible Quizzing.
It was awesome as usual.
And it happened to go from 6pm until 10:30pm.
A little longer than the scheduled 7-8pm.
One of our teens had a ride dilemma so she showed up early.
So did 3 other quizzers.
No problem.
We did practice, then the aforementioned ride-dilemma teen hung around until her mom showed up at 8:30.
We somehow discovered Mom had never been past the front entrance of our home–
the place where her daughter spends hours each week.
So I gave the her the grand tour.
(Too bad my mom wasn’t her.
She would’ve jumped at the chance to give the tour.
I think tour guide is her calling.)
We ended up in the basement–which also happens to be the youth room.
It’s not all dark and dungeon-like, I promise.
It’s pretty darn cool, actually.
Complete with couches, overstuffed burnt orange pillows, posters, and a sweet pingpong and foosball table thanks to my faja.  
Once in the youth room, Kevin and I and the girls–B & B–talked and talked.
For the next TWO hours.
Way past my bedtime, yes.
But WELL worth it.
We covered a gamut of topics, and I’m certain that all four of us left tired but so encouraged.
Another reason why we do what we do.
In the midst of preparing for our brand new Friday night outreach event,
my phone rang.
It was my most amazing friend, Elizabeth.
We had the greatest conversation.
It has been…I don’t even know how long it’s been…since we last talked.
We’ve been keeping our friendship alive and well through a long string of typed messages.
I’m so thankful that a friendship made nearly 25 years ago, is alive and stronger than ever.
I look forward to more conversations during her work commutes. :)
The two of us and my sis, Ash. Dressing up and being singers. 
we were probably 9 years old. 
us at age 17. 2002. 
us and her little man, Owen, Christmas ’09.
She called just to encourage us before our big youth event.
Knowing she was praying and rooting for us was such a blessing.
And besides that we both got to catch up on life.
Which is always good for the soul.

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