The One with My Love of New Kitchen Gadgets

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The One with My Love of New Kitchen Gadgets

CSN Stores contacted me a while back about doing a review of any product in any of their 200+ online stores. SWEET. I got especially excited when I discovered the branch. Umm, yes I’m totally there! 
I had an awful time narrowing down my selections. They have every item I have ever even considered wanting for my kitchen. Brands range from Rachael Ray to Cuisinart, KitchenAid to Calphalon. I’m fairly certain carries every quality kitchen product known to mankind. 
I looked through my wishlist and crossed off the items I received for Christmas (thanks, family!!) and finally made my decision(s)—-
drumroll, please………………


This is the most beautiful cutting board I have ever owned. No. It’s way better than that…considering I’ve only ever owned 2 plastic cutting board of only-average-physical-appeal. But nonetheless, this is a really great looking slab of wood. 
It has this lovely little moat carved out around the edges to contain all of those pesky juices. 
AND there are two finger grips carved into the under side of the cutting board–for easy transportation. Very convenient. 
Between the quality of the Chicago Cutlery brand, the hard wood that will keep my Chicago Cutlery Santoku knife sharp, and the sheer beauty of this slab of cherry wood–this board is a new staple countertop product. I love it. 
But get this, my exciting new cutting board is not alone in the newbie section of kitchen gadgets. Nope. It has this amazing set of stainless steel measuring cups to keep it company.
And don’t tell the cutting board, but I’m also a little bit in love with these measuring cups. If you know anything about me, you know I bake ALL the time. My measuring cups (I already have 2 sets) are always dirty. In fact, sometimes I just shake the flour off and call them clean. Don’t judge. 
I chose these new cups because I needed a sturdier measuring device. As I was scooping out and packing brown sugar, I heard a crack in the handle of my lovely candy-apple-red plastic measuring cups. Not a good sign. Though these new steel handles have some give to them, I know they’re not about to break. The cups themselves are thick and strong and just scream, “I CAN STAND UP TO ANY MEASURING JOB YOU THROW AT ME!”
Something I didn’t know about these color-coded measuring cups was the awesome convenience of the extra length in the handle. These handles are at least an inch and a half longer than mine (or anyone else’s measuring cups I’ve ever used.) This is way cooler than I would have thought. It’s nice to not have to stick my whole arm into the baking supplies. :) 
In other words, I highly recommend these measuring cups
And the cutting board. 
Even if I wasn’t asked to write a review, I would be singing their praises. These products (and subsequently of are TOP NOTCH.  

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