The One with My [Not So] Baby Sister

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The One with My [Not So] Baby Sister

My little baby sister turned twenty-one years old yesterday. I cannot believe it. I am seriously in awe of the fact. First of all, it’s impossible because I’m still 17 and she’s 4 years younger than me. Secondly, it’s only 1998. And thirdly, there is just no way that we’re both grown and living on our own in cities far from home. 
But I am so thankful for my Ashley Bashley. (That’s what we called her sometimes. We are a little weird, I’ll admit.) Ash and I have an infinite number of memories and inside jokes. Friday nights with Grandma and Gramps, McDonald’s and Boy Meets World and maybe a little Rummy thrown in there. Summer afternoons with Mary playing drive-thru and swimming till our lips were blue. Oh, the ski trips. Running into SLOW signs, racing down the slopes and getting in trouble, showing off for dad, mom leaving you on the lift. 
Mon Frere (another weird sister thing. yes, it means “brother” in French), I love you. I’m so proud of you. Happy Birthday!

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6 thoughts on “The One with My [Not So] Baby Sister

  1. I love that "I'm 17 and it's still 1998" LOL–I feel perpetually 26 and how do I almost have a 6-year-old? Anyway, you and your sister are adorable!

  2. These pictures and your words to your baby sister bring tears to my eyes. I always loved your relationship even tho there was some fighting in the mix once and awhile. Will you please make me copies of these pictures so I can always have them near me? Thanks a lot. Love you both so much. mom

  3. Sisters Rock! Happy Birthday to your little sis…my "Babiest" (i.e. youngest) Sis will be 40 next year!!! I always say "No way! That means we're like grown-ups!!" Nice tribute to your relationship :) Lisa

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