The One with our Second Year

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The One with our Second Year

 Last night was the series finale of the best television show ever made.*
*In my educated opinion, of course.
If you know TV and you know me, then you know I’m referring to LOST.
Unfortunately I can’t say a whole lot about the 2 and 1/2 hour episode.
Because it started at 9pm.
And I was straight up falling asleep by 9:45.
Kevin was trying his darndest to keep me awake.
But alertness was not to be found.
So since he wanted to finish the episode before a day at school where anyone might ruin it for him, he came and tucked me neatly into bed and kissed me goodnight.
I was asleep before he crossed the threshold, I believe.
He came to bed close to midnight and as soon as I flinched he was wishing me a happy anniversary. 
And had this beautiful background greeting me first thing this morning on my desktop:
Along with a link to this beautiful letter he wanted to share with the world. 
That’s right, folks. 
Today, May 24th, is our two year wedding anniversary.
In some ways it feels like it can’t possibly already have been two years.
And in most other ways it feels like decades.
Not because every day has been frustrating and torturous.
But because the love we’ve experienced in the last two years has been richer and deeper than most people experience in a lifetime. 
I am so blessed to have a husband who loves me.
–who embodies the love of Christ in my life each day.

And now for some background music.
Click here to listen to one of my favorite bands.
Play one of the most perfect songs about our relationship.
And read on.

My darling, 
I’ve learned so much from you in the last (nearly) six years we’ve been in love. You’ve shown me what a life of peace can feel like when you sit back and trust God. Thank you reminding me that life is not about stressing over momentary glitches, but enjoying every moment we’ve been given. Over and over again you have proven your love to me by proclaiming my praises from the roof tops. Every time I turn around I hear you telling someone about how great you think I am.  But more than that, when I’m feeling defeated, useless, or unworthy, you shower encouraging words on heart. Words so life-giving, my spirit feels renewed. Words that could only come from a man who has the love of Jesus emanating from his inmost being. Who loves me for who I am now and encourages me as I become the woman God created me to be.

You are strong.
You are my protector.
You are my confidant.
You are my best, most loyal friend.
You are faithful.
You are honest.
You are hard working.
You are uber intelligent.
You are my favorite co-worker.
You make me laugh.
You hold me when I cry.
You take walks when me and don’t complain.
You love everything I create in the kitchen.
You are my favorite person to talk with.
You tell me I’m beautiful.
And you mean it.
You are my prince charming.

But mostly I’ve learned that we are two parts of the whole–a union that cannot be separated. God created us to be together, to serve Him together, to be an example of αγάπη (agape) love together (I Timothy 4:12). Thank you, Babe, for showing me true love–that which is patient, kind, humble, selfless, pure, truthful, protecting, trusting, hoping, persevering. I am thrilled to spend a lifetime with you.

Always your girl,

One thought on “The One with our Second Year

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