The One with Pop Cans, Chicken, and Rings

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The One with Pop Cans, Chicken, and Rings

A few thoughts.
The first is brief. 
A shout-out to Kentucky Fried Chicken. 
Both restaurants in our town have “Jesus is Risen from the Dead” boldly proclaimed from their marquees. 
Rock on, KFC.
In other news. 
I really do not enjoy depositing pop cans.
I totally understand why certain states have $0.10 deposits on their cans.
It makes total sense.
Give people initiative to recycle.
Like the cart system at Aldi.
Dude, I want my quarter back! I’d better return this cart!
But what I don’t like about the can deposit system is the actual depositing.
At Meijer the deposit station/room (whatever) is located in the BACK corner of the store.
Walmart’s is right up front, but I rarely go to Walmart.
Besides being an inconvenient location, they are dirty and smelly and disgusting.
These rooms filled with deposit machines are always sticky.
Coated with sugary pop.
Your shoes stick to floor.
The place smells totally rancid.
And I’m sorry but a little squirt of Purell post-depositing just doesn’t cut it for me.

All that is assuming you have 24 cans or bottles to return.
Not a fun experience right?
Well, what about returned a couple hundred.
And these cans are not your cans.
Or even your family’s cans.
They are from a multitude of people.

It’s like going through other people’s garbage. 

But you want to know why I’m doing this?
Because it’s a really cool and simple (though not very sanitary) fundraising idea.
It was brought to me by a youth group student and I thought it was brilliant.
So we have a permanent “can deposit” receptacle in our church.
“Bring your cans to our can.”
It works!
So I’ll stop complaining now. :)

Speaking of the youth group.
You should know what a success our True Love Waits purity ring night was!
We had nine students (2 not pictured) commit to a life of purity.

Hebrew: Sanctified/Purified 
You are called to be sanctified, meaning “set apart” from the rest. Your friends may not understand this. Some may even mock your decision to stay pure. But take heart; you are a child of God; you are not of this world. The challenge is real, but the reward is great.

::students signed a covenant along with the youth directors, Kevin and myself::

Over eleven years ago I made that same commitment. 
In fact, the covenant our students signed were based off of the words I scripted for my own personal decision all those years ago. 
I am so proud of them. 
And so thankful that God is faithful to provide a way out for us in any temptation we face. (I Cor. 10:13)
And people, waiting is totally worth it.
God really does have our best interest in mind. 
Until I say “I do,” I will honor the commitment of purity I make on this day.
I will live a life of integrity despite the temptations that will face me. 
I will look to Jesus Christ to be my faithful lover and my source of strength in moments of weakness.  
I will not bury my passions, but I will strive to keep them safely sealed until the day I can express them fully.  

From this day forward, I will live out this covenant I have made with the Lord Jesus. 
In doing so, I honor my family, my future children, my future spouse, and myself. 
I will boldly live a life proclaiming True Love Waits.

2 thoughts on “The One with Pop Cans, Chicken, and Rings

  1. Beautiful. Not the dirty pop cans – but great idea for fundraising. Seriously, you use to get paid to recycle, so there isn't an incentive now. Although we have recycle pick up every 2 weeks at our house :o)Love the purity rings and how awesome that those young kids made a commitment. My parents gave me a black hills gold ring for my graduation from high school and I decided to make that my purity ring. I wore up until I walked down that aisle at age 25 to get married (10 years ago) and my dad removed it from my finger before my husband placed the wedding band on. I never wore an engagement ring – I kept that on until my wedding day!

  2. On the pop can topic: As you may or may not know, part of Nate's job for the past 4+ years is returning pop cans. He could tell you all sorts of stories that you probably wouldn't want to hear about things he's found in the clearly marked "deposit pop cans only" bins at the camp. One that stands out in my memory is diapers. Ewwwwww. Hence the reason he ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wears disposable gloves when he does this. Though I doubt you'll ever have that, you might try the gloves. :o)

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