- Wearing 2 long sleeve shirts on, a fleece, and a sweatshirt-vest. I’m gloriously comfortable.
- Falling asleep reading thanks to the warm sun beating on my face.
- Eating Raspberry Blueberry Pancakes. They are delish.
- Finishing a book and starting a new one.
- Being nowhere near wifi means forcing myself to disconnect. A good thing now and again.
- Having one of our teens is faithfully taking care of our cats.
- Roasting marshmallows and eating said marshmallows is one of my favorite pasttimes.
- Going for walks in the crisp air.
- Enjoying the picturesque views–the lush grass, the budding trees, the lapping waters.
- Having a wonderful excuse to snuggle up next to my husband at night–because it’s cold and half of our bed is still damp from the rain.
Top Ten Reasons I Am Thankful for Camping on this Beautiful KY Day
linked up with OhAmanda’s! Top Ten Tuesday!