Just fifteen minutes before the teens began arriving for youth group on Sunday evening, I was quickly jolted from my cat nap as I heard the front door close. “Kevin?!” I screamed. It was the most wonderful reunion hug I had ever experienced. I quickly showed him the “awesome” souvenirs I had picked out from Goodwill per his request, I might add–matching tshirts proclaiming “Bowling for Rhinos ’08” (whatever that means…we love the random), identical tall drinking glasses (because
Kevin seems to have a glass fettish…kind of like
Britt interestingly enough…), and the best of all a green marble elephant from India which could function as a paperweight or otherwise. It’s pretty sweet I’m not gonna lie.
mom, aunt wendy, mason, grams, jono,
sammie, allie
We had fun reuniting with the teens that evening as it seemed like forever since we had last been together–thanks to sickness, weddings, RNA conferences, and Florida vacations. It was good to be away. And good to be back. We had fun delivering food donations to the Salvation Army which is supplying meals for the search parties of the little girl who has been missing from Monroe since last Sunday. We had even more fun playing 3-on-3 girls against boys soccer. And who doesn’t like to top off the evening with my
homemade peanut butter “Welcome Home Kevin” cake while discussing summer plans and thought provoking questions about how our faith should make us different from the
::sweet group of peeps::
megan, shelby, kevin, katie, chris f., chris k., mel
::shelby shows us how it’s done::
::chris, chris, and kevin work together for a goal::
::and megan said she couldn’t play soccer!::
p.s. I have a hunch you might want to check out the latest posts on my recipe blog. Not only the peanut butter cake and last night’s pot roast…but a surprise dessert has been added which I decided to make for Kevin because it’s his favorite and because he deserves it and because I love him. Strawberry Rhubarb Pie anyone? And I must admit, I’m pretty proud of my second try at lattice top crusts! :D