The One with the Childhood Friends

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The One with the Childhood Friends

As I mentioned in my list of 10 reasons I know I’m a “grown up,” gobs and gobs of my friends are having baby showers and subsequently giving birth to the most beautiful tiny human beings ever. March 5th was no exception. One of my friends from elementary school was having a baby shower in my home town. I was able to drive to my parents’ house Thursday and spend a few quality days with Mom and Dad. On Saturday, Mom and I got all pretty and headed to the church.
We spent the next two hours talking and catching up on the lives of my closest friends from my elementary days. I hadn’t seen Mary since sometime during high school—8 or 9 YEARS—and Amber and I last saw each other at her wedding in August 2008. Amber’s mom was there, too, and the five of us had the best afternoon together.
I had forgotten how blessed I was to have had those girls in my life. We met in 2nd or 3rd grade at our teeny, tiny Bible school, and the hours we spent at each others’ homes for sleepovers and birthday parties are countless. They are a part of a whole segment of my life that so easily gets placed in the back corners of my mind as life goes on around me. We all live in different towns. We all have different stories. We’re all in different stages of life. But we still have our Jesus in common, we are all still seeking Him.
And the amazing thing is—those girls were such great friends of mine that talking to them after years of no contact was almost as if no time had passed. It wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable. Within minutes we were laughing together, sharing stories, finding commonalities once again. And we continued to disrupt the baby shower with our chatter for the remainder of the event. :) 
Tabitha, Mary, Amber, I love you girls. I’m so thankful to still have you in my life after eighteen years. What an incredible blessing.   

linked up with The Goodwin Family’s Wednesday’s Walk

3 thoughts on “The One with the Childhood Friends

  1. what precious friendships! I love how you have had these friends for such a long time. what memories you must all have!

  2. I had a lot of fun with these great friends and I have many good memories of their time at our home as well. We were a little disruptive at time, though, weren't we. I think everyone understood.Love, Mom

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