The One with the Colorful Deals

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Colorful Deals

What a gorgeous morning it has been. Cool temperatures. Blue skies. A cute long sleeve light weight orange shirt courtesy of the Girls Clothes Swap. And shorts. And flats. 
But on top of all of that wonderfulness, there were deals to be had at the grocery stores! On my quick trip through my first grocery love, Aldi, I came upon a steal in the meat department. I always check to see if any items are marked with a $1.00 off sticker as it nears its expiration date. Sure enough, I hit the jackpot! Lean Ground Turkey [93/7] with $2.00 off–making it $0.49 a pound! I snagged 6 packages, thankyouverymuch.
My other favorite store is a local farmer’s market with fresh produce up the wazoo. (What the heck is a “wazoo” anyway???) It’s a healthy girl’s paradise! I came home with blackberries for $0.79 per container, 7 limes for $1.00, fresh peaches for $0.69 a pound and lots more!
And then there was a Walmart. The two of us have a love-hate relationship, but it’s mostly love when it comes right down to it. As I was hunting for a new frisbee to replace our broken one (we simply cannot go without a good frisbee in this household!), I came across a colorful display of plastic dinnerware. I thought, “Oh how pretty” and kept on walking. 
But then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, I remembered that in a month I’m going to be in charge of feeding 15+ teenagers for a WEEK while we work and play at Family Camp. HOLY MOLY. Buying the plastic plates (4 for $1.00) and having them wash them after each meal is SO MUCH MORE frugal than buying piles of piles of Styrofoam or paper plates. Amazing! 
It was difficult choosing only five colors–there was also pink, light green and teal available. I would have gone for the pink, but our girls seem to generally loathe it, so I avoided the feminine extreme. 
In sum, I’m totally stoked about my purchases!

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