After many weeks “off” while taking care of her dangerously ill baby boy, MckMama is back.
(Stellan’s story is a miraculous one. You should definitely check it out.)
And she wants to know she’s not the only one who leaves her laundry piled in the clothes baskets.
Or picks a wedgie during church.
Or blames an embarrassing noise on her child.
I know I certainly wouldn’t do any of those things.
Speaking of wedgies, I certainly would never pick one.
In fact, I would never even get a wedgie.
And if I ever did, I would not pick it while I sat at the piano bench. During church. While the congregation was praying.
I would never question my husband’s housekeeping skills.
Especially after asking him to help out in many more ways than I usually do.
(Aka: Taking advantage of him while he’s home.)
When I asked him to sweep the bathroom floor and shake out the rugs, I definitely wouldn’t keep track a few notable pieces of dust/tissue/who knows what, in order to check his work.
And after hours of waiting, I wouldn’t condemn him of not following through.
And when he said he did sweep, I wouldn’t continue to refute him.
Or change my reply to say, “Well, you certainly didn’t do it well.”
Nope, I’m always a patient appreciative wife.
And when heading to hang out with friends I wouldn’t wear heals.
As if I have something to prove.
And then get stuck wearing said heals out to a bonfire.
Nope, not me.
I’m always properly dressed and never trying to impress.
What about you?
Any embarrassing things you didn’t do this week?
Yesterday was just plain awesome.
I’m not sure what in particular made it so awesome.
Everything was just “right on.”
Ever have a day like that?
Not very often, I’m sure, especially when it comes to Sunday morning worship team that never goes quite as it should.
But this Sunday was just good.
The sermon on joy was challenging.
The people were engaging.
We turned in our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
The youth group filled 10!
We got to show off our awesome Bible quizzers in the service with a “mock mini quiz.”
*still so proud*
I organized paperwork and finances (much needed) all afternoon.
I ate a grilled cheese.
My first grilled cheese in…I can’t remember how long…
Two of our youth group girls came a half hour early and hung out for a bit.
I love those girls.
I really do.
And I love being able to connect with their parents.
A group of 11 teens joined the adults and headed over to Salvation Army shelter to serve a potluck dinner.
The time at the shelter was just plain awesome.
I sort of took charge at the beginning when it seemed no one knew exactly what was supposed to be happening.
That’s always fun.
Well, sometimes not so much, but last night it was.
We outnumbered the residents 3 to 1.
Yay good turnouts!
I took the initiative and stepped into the dining hall to mingle with the residents.
I was in my element.
Building relationships.
Loving on people.
That’s my thing.
I had such an amazing time.
And I was super proud of how our teens interacted and worked.
We plan on serving in a shelter once a month now!
And the teens are getting geared up for the awesome concert we’re hosting this Friday.
It should be amazing!
Three local bands.
Christian rock/alternative/pop/hardcore music.
Concert is at 6:30.
Tickets just $5 at the door.
All proceeds go to the youth group mission trip fund.
You really should come.
Or at least invite everyone who likes this type of thing to come.
It’s going to be excellent!