The One with the Kitchen Shout Out

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The One with the Kitchen Shout Out

They say “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Either that or it just makes you really appreciate what you have. 
My kitchen, for instance. 
I’m really really really missing my kitchen. 
Who would have thought?
My faithful KitchenAid, Stan
My fridge overflowing with apples, 
and eggs, 
and milk,
and cilantro, 
and yogurt, 
and cheese, 
and all sorts of fresh veggies. 
My expansive countertops. 
My homemade cookies. 
My beautifully organized pantry of staples. 
My recipe binder.
My freshly baked bread.
My meals for my husband. 
My husband’s excitement over the meals. 
My Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. 
Especially since July is National Ice Cream Month! 
Obviously I didn’t realize how passionate I was about my kitchen. 
It’s actually a little ridiculous how passionate I am. 
But I suppose it’s a good hobby to have. 
In healthy moderation of course. :)

Since I haven’t had the times or means or the kitchen to keep the good foods coming,
I decided to keep posting over at Adorkable Recipes in a different fashion.
I’m still scouring my favorite recipe blogs for inspiration.
Check out the links I’ve been drooling (not literally) over.

Now, maybe in September when I’m home sweet home, 
I’ll realize how much I really do appreciate that enormous kitchen of mine. 
The people gathering. 
The fresh baked goods sending their delicious aroma to the far reaches of my home. 
The (almost insane) amount of time I spend in that room of our house. 
And I will continue to dread the day when I have to leave that amazing kitchen. 
But I know that a home with a great kitchen is probably my number one priority. 
And I am so thankful for mine. 

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