The One with the Piano Music

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The One with the Piano Music

Things that need to be documented.
The Chocolate Overload Blizzard from Dairy Queen is A.mazing!
You don’t feel nearly as guilty downing 700 plus calories when you walk the mile and a half to the campus of EMU.
And back again.
Because you’re took cheap to pay for parking.
So you leave at the Dairy Queen.
Can you believe Blizzards have THAT many calories.
Oh. my. goodness.
But it was lunch.
So I’m ok with that.
And it was for my birthday.
A day early.
And birthday calories don’t count.
I could hang out in a music store all. day.
It’s one of my favorite activities.
Finding music I’d love to play.
Songs I’ve mastered.
Books I learned with.
Et cetera.
It’s seriously ridiculous how much I loved it.
It probably helps that my husband is also a musician.
And we can share in our excitement.
I wished I could have browsed for another few hours.
But alas, DQ couldn’t be left waiting.
(The above scenario is one of many many many reasons to call me Adorkable.
In case you were wondering.)
Today was a great day for mail.
A new Real Simple. Just before my birthday.
How fitting.
(Speaking of Real Simple, you should sign up for their “Recipe a Day” email.
And the “Cookie Recipe of the Day” email from now until Christmas.
It’s great.
I have a whole folder in my email account designated to “FOOD.”
I get those recipe emails.
And Kraft Foods.
And Betty Crocker.
Good stuff.)
And besides my favorite magazine waiting in the mailbox there were three actual birthday cards.
One from my Grandma Mary.
She’s so adorable.
One from my “bonus” grandparents–Grandma & Grandpa A.
They’re so great to me!
And one from one of my bffs, Britt.
She sent a card LOADED with amazing scrapbooking items.
I was so thrilled!
Thanks, Britt.
Have I mentioned that I love my birthday? :)
(Though I must be getting old or something.
Cause I haven’t had a countdown.
For the last year or two actually.

3 thoughts on “The One with the Piano Music

  1. Yes – Happy Birthday – I'm going to see how many different ways I can say it… hmm… 1. facebook 2. text message 3. blog 4. phone call 5. card in the mail. If only I wasn't working 12 hours today I could drive over and surprise you… and tell you in person – but alas I'm working. Glad you liked the scrapbooking stuff!

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