Christmas Sweaters. A controversial topic.
Depending on your age, your environment, and most importantly your fashion sense, you may or may not agree with what I’m about to say. Some of you may be slightly offended. At first. But then, in the same vein as Stacy and Clinton on What Not to Wear, I hope you will find a new exciting actually beautiful sense of holiday style.
But please, friends, for the LOVE OF FASHION don’t wear sweaters or vests or turtlenecks or blouses with any of the follow decor–
Santa Clause.
Holiday ornaments.
Christmas trees.
Blinking lights.
really any blatantly Christmas pictures/objects/designs whatsoever. (sorry, Mom.)
Like these…
Don’t be that nice lady in Salvation Army who saw the sweater I was selecting for my UGLY Christmas Sweater Party and sweetly commented, “How Pretty!” oh honey. It was all I could do to keep my composure. And I want to save YOU, my friends, from the embarrassment of ever being seen wearing a sweater/turtleneck/blouse/vest that someone somewhere has chosen to win the UGLY sweater competition.
Be subtle about your holiday fashion. I believe it can be totally cool to be festive and seasonally appropriate in the way we dress. Choosing a beautiful red blouse, or maybe the quintessential little black dress with a gorgeous necklace would say more than any Reindeer or embroidered Christmas Tree ever could.
I love these outfits.
source (I would wear this dress in a heartbeat!) |
So think outside the box this Christmas. There is no need for blinking lights necklaces or earrings. Unless you’re trying to win that Ugly Sweater Competition and wanted some “stylish” accessories. Go through your closet and pull out all those unfashionable festive items and donate them to your youth group. or Goodwill. Ugly Sweaters are a popular item now for Christmas parties. Donate away. :) Or wear one yourself–but only if you’re TRYING to be the champion of Ugly Sweaters.
Do you admit that you sport “ugly” Christmas fashion? Are you willing to change? For the good of all mankind? ;)
Oh, and ps–I love you all. Even if you do wear an ugly sweaters.
Hey Mel, I think Elizabeth is right. The sweater does look vaguely familiar. I have tried to scale down on the ugly sweaters over the last couple of yrs. Love you, too, Elizabeth. Mama Fish
Hey.Mel. didn't your mom have sweater #2 at some point? It looks vaguely familiar ;) (I love you, Mama Fish!)
I've been able to raid my mother's closet for my Tacky Christmas parties:( Loved the outfits you chose. I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog if you want to check it out. Merry Christmas!
Hey…..I did give some away. Way to go to my mom on her quick retort to her granddaughter. haha. I will have you know that today I am wearing a burgundy color sweater with an attractive light gray sweater over it. I am wearing a cute soft spoken necklace that does have a Christmas stocking, tree, and candy cane on it, and I think I look pretty darn cute in it. So there….LOL. We old people still love you dearly, too. You will get old too someday. Love, mom
What's this about the ugly sweater etc comments???? Maybe we like to wear some of those ugly things. In fact—-I may sport one of the above at our get together!!!!!!! :)