A) finding a box of Tim Horton’s donuts (is it donuts or doughnuts?!) on the front porch with a note inside that said, “love you guys! love, the B family.”
1. I love donuts. No matter how in-shape I am, I will always love doughnuts.
2. How cool is it that we have such awesome, totally thoughtful friends in our new town already?!
B) I fixed myself a bowl of oven-baked Steel Cut Oats and Apples
1. I figured I needed the extra nutrition boost after my nearly-five-mile run.
2. You have really got to try that recipe. Fast, easy. super delish!
C) I didn’t get out of bed until quarter to eight. Rock on!
D) We had spent an entire evening with Randy and Sheryl–dinner, Settlers of Catan, and Euchre–until 10pm.
1. Once again reminded of the blessing it is to have made such good friends so fast!
2. We knew for sure we felt totally comfortable hanging out at their house already when we just walked in the front door before realizing we didn’t knock! :D
E) While eating my oats for breakfast, I watched This Old House on PBS.
1. I loved it. Man, that guy has some serious saw skills!
2. Yes, I realize this makes me a total dork. But that’s why they call me “adorkable,” right?
3. My grandma would be so proud–we used to watch TOH together many a Saturday morning.
Laugh at me if you must (Kevin cracked up at my This Old House confession), but those five bullet points really make for a swell weekend in my book!