1. I have spent every hour of today on the couch. Thanks, husband, for lovingly sharing your illness with me. Symptoms include–sore throat, congestion, headache, body aches, fatigue.
2. I knew I was getting sick when I couldn’t stay awake after 7:30pm last night and was thrilled to go to bed at 9pm.
3. Yesterday, before the sickness hit, I made a batch of cookies to deliver to some friends I would run into while at a conference pastors’ meeting today. (No worries, I washed my hands about 45 times throughout the process.) I was bummed to not get to share the sweetness.
4. There is a strong possibility that I’m wearing the same clothes today as I did yesterday.
5. Kevin and I are pretty much addicted to The Office
right now. This is how we watch tv.: we find one show and watch it on dvd whenever we plop down on the couch. It’s awesome. We spend the next few weeks quoting lines and discussing plots with fellow fanatics. We’ve done this with Lost, Criminal Minds, Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, and now The Office. Next up is Big Bang Theory. Any other suggestions?
6. I’m so excited about the holidays. I’m also a bit overwhelmed. These next few weeks are going to take us by storm. Every. Single. Weekend. is booked solid with Bible quizzing, family get-togethers, National Youth Workers’ Convention, etc.
7. I started planning our Thanksgiving menu today. I’m totally looking forward to spending this holiday at my house–where I get to prepare the meal. Yes! (that is serious excitement in case you were wondering.)
8. I’m so far behind in reading my magazine subscriptions. It makes me sad. But that’s life.
9. I’m going to be twenty-five in ten days. wow.
10. I have a new found obsession with fonts. I am in love with designing logos and event titles using a cheap-o program. I love trying new things, expressing my creativity in this digital way. Maybe one day I’ll have access to a more professional program. Did I mention how much I’m loving this? (it comes in super handy being a ministry events coordinators–that’s what I call myself. :D)
linked up with oh, Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday.
2 thoughts on “The One with the Sick Top 10”
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this is cute :)
Sending you lots of TLC! My hubby came home from work with an upset stomach. I can't have the family sick in the next two weeks. I have something so fun planned for next weekend…We love a bunch of those shows…the Office is so hilarious. I worked in a paper wholesale co. for a few years so I can so relate to their business. :)