The One with the Sound of Music

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The One with the Sound of Music

After 3 months of practicing, 30 hours of dress rehearsals, and 13 live-show hours The Sound of Music production weekend is over. And honestly, I’m kinda sad to see it go. The show was phenomenal! You would not believe the quality of student actors and musicians–tremendous!
Being in the pit meant a front row seat to the action, the sounds, the expressions, the hilarity, the night-by-night variations in dialogue that kept us on our toes. Each night was just a *little* bit different from the others as the cast members came into their roles and felt the energy from the audience.
My husband sat in the balcony and took some fantastic pictures of the action. The costumes, the set, and the action are all beautiful. Enjoy!
The Nuns Choir sounded beautiful and looked authentic
(and check out those mountains and the pit down below.)

The “kids” were adorable as they met Maria and sang “Do Re Mi”

Liesl VonTrapp (one of my students/teens, Lydia) & Rolph
in their secret gazebo dance to “I am 16, Going on 17”

The Von Trapp Kids warmly welcome Maria’s return

Caught in the action: Maria & Captain Von Trapp dance the Landler at the Gala 

The children perform “So Long, Farewell” for the Gala Guests

The Children say goodnight at the top of the steps (awesome set, huh?)

The Family Von Trapp Performing at the National Festival
on the same night the Captain is commissioned by the Nazi forces

And a quick shot of the keyboardist (Look at that posture, will ya!? LOL)
There were moments in some musical numbers that I wanted to shout “NAILED IT!” You know those parts that you practice over and over AND OVER again and you still struggle to get right? Well all three shows in a row, I played those parts perfectly. I was thrilled! Hours of practicing pays off (You hear that, students?! :D)
I have seen and heard great responses about the show and I’m so pleased to have been a part of it. One gentleman posted on the orchestra director’s Facebook and said, “I have to say, Mike…. I’ve been to every High School musical since 1997 (not kidding), and that was the best pit orchestra I’ve heard. Great work from everyone.” Wow! So cool, right?
And today I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. I’ve erased all of the pencil marks in my 140 pages of music and will return the book tomorrow. The show has come and gone, and I have accomplished something I honestly doubted possible back in January. Thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to participate in the community like this, to use my gifts for your glory, to minister in whatever ways you allowed. 

4 thoughts on “The One with the Sound of Music

  1. Oooh, I forgot about erasing the score. I always scribbled ALL OVER mine, too. ugh. [Also, I thought the was pretty great too… not as good as when I was a senior, though (winky face!)]

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